Friday, July 11, 2014

"Are young people losing their Creative edge?"

In the article by "Studio 360" they contemplate if the younger generation are less creative. Did kids write it? No. So why would they think it is a fair judgement? I dunno. Studio 360 used evidence such as testing kids with creative thinking problems such as "the candle problem", "alternate uses", "incomplete figures" and more, back then and now. Studio 360 wonders if the social media of today (twitter, facebook, instagram) has influenced young adolescents. "'There's a sense that whatever you communicate is not going to last,' says Davis. 'It's going to get drowned out in the sea of tweets that it's posted among,'" This could either be good or bad, depending on the teens in question. Some could bravely post their secrets in writing on Twitter, get ridiculed, and be afraid to say their feelings from then, while some could get supportive and valuable feedback about their writing that continue to encourage. Also in the recent programs No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, there is a push of "just pass the standardized test" and less creative writing. Samples of creative writing from now and then show today more kids and teens will write about homes and schools while in the '90s it was might be Mars. Though I think just because it's more of one genre, does that mean it's less/more creative? Visit and see what you think.

The Article                           creative tests

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