Friday, July 27, 2012

The 2012 Olympics Return

This summer marks the continuation of an extraordinary tradition carried on for centuries in this year's 2012 London Summer Olympics! With competitors hailing from the US, Peru, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Korea, China, India, Latvia, Israel, Russia, Paupa New Guinea, Australia, and many more, this year's Olympic games (as always) will be filled to the brim with diverse competitors. With medals awarded to categories such as rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, boxing, basketball, tennis, beach volleyball, trampolining, and more, athletes have plenty of opportunities to showcase their incredible feats of talent and strength to the rest of the world.
For soccer this summer, Japan and Brazil made opening headlines, while London started off with a bang and a draw!

 With nine-hundred-fifty competitors taking part in thirty-four different events, the swimming competitions are sure to make a big splash!

 The Republic of Korea now holds the new Individual Mens' Archery World Record, smashed today by Im Dong-hyun.

Brought to you by Natalie!

Ice Cream Social!

Was a blast! I wish we had some cool video of everyone dancing . . . if that exists somewhere in the world, let me know. In the meantime, here's today's fabulous Daily Double!

Volume 43, Issue 3B

Thursday, July 26, 2012

... And we're back

Hey everyone.

Festival Week got crazy, but now that things are settling in for Session 2, you'll be able to read the Daily Double print issues (and other cool bonus goodies) on this site as per usual. Enjoy today's!

Volume 43, Issue 2B

Thursday, July 19, 2012


By Katluvr27, Meow4, and DaVinci11.
Epilouge to the last conversation by us: The ninja escaped and saved both himself and katie
Katie: I am still mad at you for shooting chinchillas at me, Lindsey
Lindsey: I actually have really good aim. You got hit because you were being held hostage. And besides, you know how there were 4,000,000,000,001 chinchillas? well, the 1 chinchilla was actually a grenade that exploded after we left. So the chair is DEAD.
Marta: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marta: yes because he came for you and no because he is EATING MY CHINCHILLA'S!!! by the way every villen want's you!?!?
Katie: I must be really attractive *flips hair*
DOMO: no, we just want to kill you for dropping our master!
Katie: A LAPTOP WAS YOUR MASTER??????????????????
Lindsey: * throws stinkbomb chinchilla at DOMO* Everybody Run for you sense of smell!
Jackson: What was in that thing?
Lindsey: a toxic fart
Marta: look at this kitten
Super cool ninja: I'm dumping you Katie! *saves Lindsey*
Lindsey: Peace out suckas! I'm going to Mount Everest!
marta: me and my ninja bro are going to chinchilla land
Katie: NOOOOOO!!!!!!
Jay (ninja from Ninjago lego sets): I will save you! I dissagree with DOMO, you are really attractive
Katie: *giggles*

happy birthday oreos This link will take you to 5 fun facts about oreos!
                 It is Oreos' 100th birthday this year! Oreos only used to only availible in the States, but I heard there's a rectangular oreo in China!  Oreos are in a variety now, there are Original, Double Stuf, Cakesters, Fudgees, and Fun Stix.
               There are some different colors, but they are seasonal and you can't buy them year-round. So the next time you eat an oreo, make sure to wish it a happy birthday! (Just Kidding!)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My New Blogging Name

Okay so it will always say "posted by walker" at the bottom of the blog post. But, i will write at the end of all of my posts "Katluvr27". so when you see something that says "this post is by Katluvr27", you always know that it's Katie Predella!

a conversation

By Katie Predella and Marta Arcate
Editors note: this was posted on july 18!
Katie: There will be a trailer for Mockumentary in the noontime show today!
Marta: really? and that yesterday anne A should of showed them our version!?!?!
Katie: I hope Walker is not mad at me for dropping his laptop!
Walker's Laptop: ROOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
Marta: look at this chinchilla!
note: marta said this at random time;)
Katie: *using a telphone* Uhhhhh Super cool ninja? Are you around today? I have a feeling that this laptop wants to punish me by givng me a horrible death!
Super cool ninja: Ummm, i am busy saving Jackson from that evil chair again.
Marta: *on phone* hi super cool ninja bro can we get a chinchilla?
Super cool ninja bro: sure?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
Marta on phone: hello oh i would like to buy 40,000,000,000,001 chinchilla's (other person on phone now) that will be $4444444444444,4444444.5 dollars (marta on phone now ) okay!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katie: (voice muffled by duck tape) MARTA! HELP!
Marta: WHAT? oh, i can't help. I have to wait untill my chinchilla's arrive!
Katie; call super cool ninja and tell him!
Marta: I can't! my chinchilla's arrived! I have to pay for them and their food!
Marta; Chinchillas...
Katie: WHAT? *starts sobbing as the laptop hauls her out of the door*
Marta; I didn't finish! CHINCHILLAS! ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laptop: *blocks chinchillas with force field*
Super cool ninja bro and sis: *make a big fuss over Marta, save her and her chinchillas, leave Katie and Jackson there*
Ninja sis: No way! we are soooooo over!
Jackson: *escapes*
Katie: *taken hostage by laptop*
Lindsey: * bursts in door with a sledgehammer and 40,000,000,001 chinchillas swarming behind her**makes chinchillas super big and run out the door to attack laptop*
5 hours later
Katie: *tied to a chair that is eating her, duck tape over mouth, about to be dropped into a pit of hot lava*
Super cool ninja: *busts in and falls into lava*
Katie: NO! MY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lindsey: *Bursts in with a chinchilla gun and starts shooting rapid fire chinchillas at the chair* DIE YOU STUPID CHAIR!!! SUCKA!!!
chinchilla: *bangs katie on the head with a sledgehammer*
Katie: NOW I REALLY HATE CHINCHILLAS!!!!!!!!!!!! *goes unconcious*
chinchilla; *eats rope*
Katie: now i really hate chinchillas!
the end!

A conversation by Lo and Lu

lu: whats up?

lo: lets write about what were actually sayin

lu: ok

lo:this is fun (giggles)

lu: so do you like cupcakes??

lo: yes i love cupcakes

lu: do u think people no who we are? lo and lu, i mean?

lo:i dont no

lu: probably walker, and claire cuz we showed them. and anyone else who sees us typing

lo:lets go look at cute animals on the blog

lu: we already did!!!!!!!!!

lo:i no but we like it lets go post something else

lu: bye bye


I love cupcakes alot! Here is a really good recipie:

By, Brooke Bossert


• 2 cups all purpose flour
• 1 1/2 cups sugar
• 3 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 4 egg whites from large eggs
• 1/2 cup shortening
• 1 cup 2% milk
• 2 large eggs
• 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Vanilla Cupcake Recipe Directions

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line cupcake pans with paper liners.
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, shortening, milk and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Mix at low speed for 2 minutes. Scrape bowl. Add egg whites and mix at high speed until fluffy and smooth, approximately 2 minutes.
Fill liners 1/2 to 2/3 full of batter. Do not overfill. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
Cool 10 minutes in pans then remove from pan, and place on wire racks to cool completely.
Frost and decorate your vanilla cupcakes as desired.


By Lo and Lu

Lu: Bunny is my super awesome puppet from the trading post. On the inside he's a lion but on the outside he's a lamb. No, not a bunny, a lamb named Bunny! You got a problem with that? Anyway, with a friendship braclett from Leslie and a bowtie from Lo, he's got bling! Right now, he's chillin in my car, drinking lemonade by the pool. He says hello, call me!

Lo: lilly and miss hoot are his girlfriends and they are fighting over him while bunnytail and mikey are kissing.(Lu is typing now, but Lo's telling her what to write) AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN, LILLY GOES "OMG CUPCAKES!!" (OOPS I JUST REALIZED CAPS LOCK IS ON. OH WELL)
I love platypi! Platypi is the plural for platypus. I also like puggles. In case you didn't know,a puggle is a platypus baby. If you want to see something really cute than look below for pictures and videos!




Post by DaVinci11

Cute Kittens!! :-D

By the 2 Francesca's

Picture 1: Kissing Kitten
Picture: 2: Cute Calico Kitty
Picture 3: Cute Alien Frog Kitty
Picture 4: Pouncing Cat
Picture 5: Kitten in a bucket with yarn
Picture 6:Kitten in a cup

Captions by Francesca Lo, Typing by Francesca Lu

Why We are Kinda Mad at Walker

He doesn't have time to preform in our skit during the noontime show on Festival day, which YOU HAVE TO COME AND SEE BECAUSE IT TOTALLY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robot advice

By Katie Predella
Here are some questions that fellow robots have asked me! '
Q: how do you make good robot pastries?
Robot Cookie
A: Dear robot Cookie,
Just add oil to any pastry!
Q: what should I do if clouds keep falling on my ex-niece's dead hermit crab?
Annonymous Robot
Dear Annoymous Robot,
WHERE DOES YOUR EX-NIECE'S HERMIT CRAB LIVE? and really, how do you have an ex-niece? But i would say to bury the hermit crab because it is dead!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pictures for all the Video Games I mentioned in the Daily Double

I write about Video Games a lot. So here are some pictures from all of the Video Games I mentioned.

Sin & Punishment: Star Succesor
Here we have a snapshot of a boss battle in Kaichi mode. The score count in the upper right corner and the counter of enemies destroyed in the lower right corner shows the games arcade inspirations. The boss is launching an attack on Kaichi, who seems to be kicking one of his projectiles back at him. Kaichi also looks like she's preping for a charged shot judging from the color of the aiming rectile.

Here we have a snapshot from one of the earlier parts of the game. The broken bridge will have to be repaired in order to continue. Scattered across the area are symbols that increase your scarf length and devices that will rebuild the bridge if you sing to them. The mountain seen in the distance is your goal, reaching the top is the entire point of the game. What awaits you on the very top?

The World Ends With You

I don't want to use up two pictures per game, so I went with one of the combat. The gameplay is based around the DS's two screens. In this picture Neku and Joshua are fighting some Noise. The Noise are monsters created by the Reapers so they can send them at players like Neku and Joshua to stop them from winning the Reaper's Game. Surviving until the end of the Reapers Game is the goal of the game, which is accomplished by completing the daily missions the Reapers hand out and avoiding erasure by Noise.

Starcaft 2

It's hard to find a picture for a Real Time Strategy game with as many units as Starcraft 2. This picture shows some Protoss Clossi doing some harassment on a Zerg base (The Zerg and Protoss are the two alien species in the series). The things near the blue crystals are called Drones. The weird green structre is called an Assilmator and is used to harvest vespene gas. The building the drones are carrying minerals and gas to is called a Hatchery. The flying thing is called an Overlord. The thing next to the Assilmator looks like a Spine Crawler but the lasers are blocking my view. Either that Zerg player's army has been destroyed, is in another place, or he/she was afk. Unless the Zerg player has an expansion somewhere I think he should call GG (good game).

Theatrythm: Final Fantasy

I told you it was adorable. Here we see a Battle Music Stage. The party used consists of (from top to bottom) Cloud, Firion, Lightning and Onion Knight. Considering the state of the teams health (upper right corner), how long the song has lasted (bottom) and the chain count (center top), I'll say a perfect chain is in the works. Notice the level right under the health bar, that gives you an idea of how long Cloud has been used (level cap is 99, everyone starts at one).


I couldn't find any screenshots of the gameplay in English, sorry. The player is currently selecting which unit to use for the turn. Notice the small pictures and numbers in the bottom part of the screenshot. The number shows how many in game seconds will pass before the unit moves or the event happens. In two in game seconds an enemy unit will get a turn and in 96 the sun will rise. The bar in the left center is your tatics bar, it fills up with tatic points for every turn and can be used to pull off special attacks. Units can move and then attack in their turn (they can team up with other units by using tatic points). Tatic points can also be used to get a turn during the time inbetween unit turns.


You have no idea how many pictures of the third game I had to go through to find this. This screenshot shows off a random encounter in the game. The player's team currently consists of (from left to right) the main character, Kei, Maso, Yukino and Elly. The player can either attempt to negotiate or fight with the monsters encountered throughout the game. The characters can use a physical weapon, gun or their titular Persona in combat. The Persona are based off of various mythological figures. Outside of each characters inital Persona you'll have to contact with demons to get tarrot cards used to summon new Persona.

Persona 2: Innocent Sin

Here we have Persona 2. You don't need to play the first one to understand the plot but characters from the first, such as Yukino, show up. Here we have from left to right, Tatsuya, Ekichi (Michel), Lisa (Ginko), Maya and Yukino. The battle system is the same as the first but two party members can do a contact together and using the right spells in the right order unlock a fusion spell. Finishing with a fusion spell makes it possible for a Persona that particpated in casting it mutate, which gives things like two rank ups, stat increases and a new spell for that Perona. Once a fusion spell is discovered you can just select it, if you still have the Persona with the right skills.

Dance Centeral 2

It's a dancing game, what more can I say. You act out the dance moves in front of the Kinect sensor to get points. It's a game you play to have a very fun time with your friends.

Dragon Age: Origins  (Game rated M, picture is not)

It took me a while to find a picture I wanted to use for this game for various reasons. The gameplay is like a computer Role-Playing Game. You have a team that you control and activate abilties for. The combat plays out in Real time. You can only control one character at a time. It's a tatical kind of gameplay. The gameplay is clunky on anything that's not a computer from what I've heard, that would explain why it's been hard for me to get into as I have it on the Xbox 360. At least the plot is interesting and well written from what I can tell.

By Will Edwards

Our Ninja Love Story

              Conversation about blockhead Marta getting squashed

By Marta Arcate and Katie predella

Marta: hey I’m still mad at you

Katie: for what?

Marta: for squishing mini blockhead me!

Katie:  a blockhead is a mini square made out of playdough with a face) well I didn’t mean to! The chair was evil!

Marta: now you are making things up.

Katie: I was trying to keep you safe by making you disappear. Besides, I remade you!

Marta: then you squashed me again!! you are evil.

Chair: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Katie: Was that my chair???????? ;^I

Marta: I thought it was mine ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Katie: No, no, it came from mine… BECAUSE IT HAS A FACE ON IT RIGHT WHERE I WAS SITTING! IT JUST BIT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marta: no mine bit me and has a face{^|

Katie: So that means…


Super cool ninja: *scoops us up in his arms, saves us from evil chair*

Marta: Meow! ;)

Super cool ninja: *looks at Marta like she has four heads* ;(

Chair: *starts eating super cool ninja

Katie: OH MY GOSH I HAVE TO SAVE THAT POOR NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts  tug of war over ninja with chair*

Marta: This chair does a good job of tug of war!

Katie: *pulls ninja away from chair* Hi.

Super cool ninja: thank you for saving me! *flies away with Katie in his arms*

Marta: HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME!?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Super cool ninja bro: I am that other ninja’s brother! I will save you!

Marta: *sighs and faints into Super cool ninja bro’s arms*


Super cool ninja sis: Hey Jackson!

Jackson: *faints on the floor while getting eaten by a chair*

Super cool ninja sis:*Saves Jackson from chair, get’s kidnapped by evil chair*

Jackson: *wakes up* Huh? OH NO! MY LOVE!

Super cool ninjas sis: HELP ME!

Jackson *saves ninja sis*

Ninja sis: oh Jackson my love, thank you so much! *sighs and faints into Jackson’s arms*

All of them meet at the magical tree of love and live happily ever after.

Epilogue: everyone got married to their ninja partners. The

Monday, July 16, 2012

Journalism Workshop

Today's Daily Double features a very cool article written by my 5th Period Daily Double Journalism Workshop class. They did a lot of research, including a field trip to the Dover Police Station, to put together this profile. I think it's one of the coolest things we've published all year - hope you enjoy it!

Volume 43, Issue 14A

Elephant Art

Elephant art. Hmm, what is elephant art you say? Well, a group of people have dedicated their time to save the increasingly declining amount of Asian elephants. The elephants actually do all the fundraising by "painting" pictures! The elephants take the brushes in their trunks and they do a painting that a 6 year old could paint, which is pretty good considering they have no fingers to steady the brush. Here is a video of an elephant who was somewhat trained to paint and he paints a picture of an elephant holding a flower!
And here is a pictire of elephant scribbles. For some reason, they only trained this elephant to paint good, and the other elephants only scribble.

I like piggies!
Piggies are awesome and cute

Francesca Luppino

Friday, July 13, 2012


they are adorable and so cute i hope you love'em

by marta arcate


Chinchilla's are now my favorite animal in the world!!!!! PLEASE look at this adorable video of two chinchillas,Saki and Soju. They are being chased by totoro, an evil fluffy dude I LOVE CHINCHILLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by, chinchillacrazy
 a.k.a Brooke Bossert



MONKEYS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Monkeys can climb trees really this vidio about them. the vidio is about a baby monkey.   


Orangutans are beauiful animals that are endangered species. They live in Southeast Asia on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. They used to live in China, but now they are extinct there.
Orangutans are apparently 97% as smart as humans, but I don't know if that's the official number. If you have seen the Imax Born to be Wild, you would know that people want to help orphaned orangutans recover from whatever happened or just plain readapt to their habitat and then set them free, but sometimes they came back and stole food that was left outside and I thought that was really cute!
Here is a movie of an orangutan...

 You can help an orangutan by going to and choose a way to help them! Or, you can do better things for the earth, such as recycling, carpooling, and walking to places that are in walking distance that aren't necessary. Hopefully if we help orangutans, they will make a turn for the better!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


The 13th Issue . . . and tomorrow is Friday the 13th!

Volume 43, Issue 13A
monkeys are awesome.      Watch thisvidio

different kinds of pandas

There are 2 different kinds of pandas: The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca):

And the red panda, also known as the lesser panda  (Ailurus fulgens):

Adventure Time!!!


Adventure Time is a show on Cartoon Network and it is the BEST SHOW EVER!!!
It's about a human named Finn and a magical talking dog named Jake who go on adventures in the magical land of Ooo. It is SUPER random and HILARIOUS, and is for boys and girls, so if you like random stuff and haven't yet seen Adventure Time, you should DEFINATELY watch it (and then join the Adventure Time Lunch Bunch!).

~Coni Foehl


i think you will like
from japan drawings
Add caption

Endangered Animals

The environment is an important part of all people's lives. But what we don't realize is that it's an important place for animals too, and we are destroying them by destroying their homes. One of the biggest problems that leads to extinction is human or man made buildings and the development of land. Lots of animals have certain ways and foods that they have adapted to and they become extinct when humans come into their territory and basically kill them by ruining their food with pollution from machines and making houses, malls, etc. on the animals homes. Lots of animals live without all of the man made equipment but a lot of animals do live with that. Another reason that so many animals are dieing out or becoming extinct are poachers. Poachers kill animals for a trait that they have that you cannot get anywhere else, such as an elephants tusks or whale blubber. What they do is they kill animals and then leave them but take the special part of the animal that will give them money. A list of the top 10 most endangered animals is here on this website. List of 10 Most Endangered Animals

And here is a picture of two endangered Polar Bears stranded on an iceberg. Their homes have been destroyed by global warming and pollution.
.... Thats all! Thanks!
By: AM

Pigs are the cutestest animals ever!

Pigs are the best animal ever!!!!! because... they are adorable!!!!!!!! there little curly tail, and there adorable snout is what makes them so cute!!!!!!
  look at this cute picture:

here is a cute vidio of pigs:  "the smallest pigs in the world" in this vido, you will see adorable piglets! they are so small!
the piglets are so small:)

are pigs your favorite animal???



I play the oboe, a little known instrument that everyone should know about. There are ivory oboes and wood oboes,the ivory ones are easier to take care of!There are beginning oboes and intermediate oboes. The oboe is close to the clarinet, with it's clarinet-like instrument and yes, a reed. If you want to learn more about oboes, go to
And here is a video of an oboe
 If you viewed the video, which I reccomend, you probably obsereved it is a hard instrument to play, but totally worth it! There are many different brands, such as Selmer, Fox, and Yahama. Ya know,  i could keep yakkin' about this all day, but you can learn more at the link!


Pandas are SOOOOOOOOOOO cute! I love pandaas SOOOOOOOOOOOO much!
They are the best things in the whole entire world! Here is the most adorable panda video in the world:

Are'nt they just ADORABLE???????????

by, pandacrazy

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012


Today's issue is dedicated to Nissy Dewey, creator of CRCAP as we know it and an all-around great person who sadly passed away last Friday. Look inside the issue for some nice tributes to her.

Volume 43, Issue 10A

Friday, July 6, 2012

Theme Issue!

Our first theme issue! Our two topics this week go together like peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, Andre 3000 and Big Boi - that's right, the themes are pets and intergalactic donuts. Enjoy! Volume 43, Issue 9A

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Monday, July 2, 2012


Daily Double's blog is returning with a vengeance. Stay tuned for awesome camper posts. In the meantime, here's today's print edition to amuse and confuse you.

Volume 43, Issue 6A