Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Sunscreen. Because...

It's Summer!

Sunscreen. They say it protects you from those darn sun rays. But back in "the olden, golden days" they didn't have sunscreen. (hence the "golden"). But they got along fine, huh? Well, the men did. I suspect the women had to stay inside all day to become fashionably pale. So what do the sunscreen scientists really know? Are they just bringing in new chemicals? (please state your opinion in the comments!) So here are some haikus on sunscreen by the one and only MOI!

creamy and so white
i doubt it really protects
scientists these days

                                                                       many chemicals
i can not even pronounce
what the heck is that?

Well there you go. And now, some of my favorite Youtube videos. (P.S. Why is it called youtube at all? You and the London subway??? Makes no sense.)                                                                                           

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