Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How Y'all, Youse, and You guys Talk

I have done many different styles of writing so far in my Daily Double career, but not creative writing! So here it goes:

I swing open my front door, my backpack still on my weighing heavily on my stressed back. 
"Mom, I'm home!" I called, dumping my backpack and slipping off my sneakers. No reply. I shrug and go into the kitchen to grab an apple. I stop in the doorway when I see my mom. My mother is the type of person who will not let anybody, and she means anybody, see her when she hasn't yet spent her daily one and a half hour on her appearance. 
But right now her hair is frizzy, and her face missing the gallon of glop she usually applies on it. She's in old pajamas and an apron, and baking ingridients is strewn all over the table. She is wrestling a wooden spoon in a bowl and the kitchen smells like melted chocolate, instead of microwave dinners. 
I inch closer. "Mom?" I say tentatively. "Mom, are you okay?" 
she looks up in surprise. "Olive, honey."
"What are you doing?"
"Well, when I was just out of college, you see..."
I roll my eyes. She's off talking about her past.
 "I mean," I say patiently, talking over her babbling. "What are you doing now?"
"Why, I'm try to recreate the croissants I had in college, of course." Mom says in surprise. "And I just can't get the darn recipe right!" she bends back over and starts mixing furiously. I take her hand. 
"Just how long has this been going on?"
"Hmm...maybe 8 hours?" I sigh, I'm secretly amused. I feel like the mother here. When she wakes up tomorrow after a good nights' sleep, she'll be mortified. I lead her patiently out of the room, out of the door, and down the street where we open the door and hear the jingle of the bell of "Sarah's Bakery". 
"Two croissants, please?" I ask the pierced, tatooed lady behind the counter. She hands me two of the flaky pastries, and I pay. Mom seems to be in wonder of the whole thing. I pull back home, open the bag, hand one to her and one to me, and we dive into pure goodness. Flaky skin, warm, fruity jam bursts from inside, and I sigh is contendedness. please click. Mom seems to come back top Earth. 
"Mmmmm." she says into the brisk Autumn air. That pretty much sums it up.

Monday, July 14, 2014

written in haikus

there's paint on my hands.
darn it. i can't get it off.
should've washed it before.

waiting for walker
or a cit i guess
to help me access

access the folder
so i can pick my favorite
article so far

it is for the book
that is for festival day
this is my first year

so i'm kinda dumb
about yearly traditions
so someone please help

you know, i am sure
 that haikus are about earth
and nature-y stuff

mountains far away
tweetin' birds come out to play
they "branch" out to facebook (yes i am aware that was six syllables but it was so good and corny)

well thanks for reading
i will insert some pictures
of nature that's cool

i'm sorry i just can't
help inserting vintage i
should probably go


Friday, July 11, 2014

"Are young people losing their Creative edge?"

In the article by "Studio 360" they contemplate if the younger generation are less creative. Did kids write it? No. So why would they think it is a fair judgement? I dunno. Studio 360 used evidence such as testing kids with creative thinking problems such as "the candle problem", "alternate uses", "incomplete figures" and more, back then and now. Studio 360 wonders if the social media of today (twitter, facebook, instagram) has influenced young adolescents. "'There's a sense that whatever you communicate is not going to last,' says Davis. 'It's going to get drowned out in the sea of tweets that it's posted among,'" This could either be good or bad, depending on the teens in question. Some could bravely post their secrets in writing on Twitter, get ridiculed, and be afraid to say their feelings from then, while some could get supportive and valuable feedback about their writing that continue to encourage. Also in the recent programs No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, there is a push of "just pass the standardized test" and less creative writing. Samples of creative writing from now and then show today more kids and teens will write about homes and schools while in the '90s it was might be Mars. Though I think just because it's more of one genre, does that mean it's less/more creative? Visit http://www.studio360.org/story/young-people-losing-creative-edge/ and see what you think.

The Article                           creative tests

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Sunscreen. Because...

It's Summer!

Sunscreen. They say it protects you from those darn sun rays. But back in "the olden, golden days" they didn't have sunscreen. (hence the "golden"). But they got along fine, huh? Well, the men did. I suspect the women had to stay inside all day to become fashionably pale. So what do the sunscreen scientists really know? Are they just bringing in new chemicals? (please state your opinion in the comments!) So here are some haikus on sunscreen by the one and only MOI!

creamy and so white
i doubt it really protects
scientists these days

                                                                       many chemicals
i can not even pronounce
what the heck is that?

Well there you go. And now, some of my favorite Youtube videos. (P.S. Why is it called youtube at all? You and the London subway??? Makes no sense.)                                                                                           

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hey! We're back again!

 Okay, so Walter decided to say "Hey! We're back!" a year ago, but, you know, Walter has a mustache. And so you can't trust Walter.
Well I am Maggiemoo, blogger extraordinaire, (actually this is my first time). So this is my first year at CRCAP,  and 2 weeks in, I'd say it's going good! Except for the fact that I am always hungry around 3rd period (my Daily Double period) and because I'm around a computer I torture myself with this: yummy yummy yummy: do not go to this if you are hungry! 
So if you feel my pain, send some virtual chocolate chip cookies!
As you know, today is Tuesday. And Tuesday, 7/8/14, is a special day because Ariana Grande just released the song "Break Free" ft. Zedd and Sia released her album-- oh wait Walker just came in with BREAKING NEWS! (gasp!) He said he fixed the Daily Double printer! Amazing! Bravo! So Sia released 1,000 Forms of Fear, the album. Just so you know, I like any kind of music except male country music! Ugh I hate it! Just I hate hate hate hate it! Well there is no link because it is brand spanking new, I tell ya! Brand spanking new!
Au revoir (I don't speak a lick of French),
